I was suffering insomnia again yesterday, yet i still text ngan Ara. Very semangat our conversation was! hahaha. I ended up sleeping at approximately 5 in the morning. I have to wake up at 8 actually, out of my realization when suddenly i realized why did i have to wake up that early 'cause guitar & drum classes had already been postponed to Sunday? Shitty me. Penat je aku terkial2 bangun, tapi still kena siap2 juga lah kan. Pagi2 ramai nak pakai tandas awam! Sapa lambat nasib la! Wawawawa. After spending so many hours handling this and that, makan (makan pun berjam ke? haha) & melayan kerenah Aiman yg suka buat aku hilang sabar, finally me and Killer bertolak ke destinasi yg ingin dituju. Siyes, we did not actually miss the 6.15pm showtime but INTENTIONALLY picked the 6.55pm showtime. Sebab apa? Sebab seat tak best, dapat seat tepiii sekali. And Killer usually will ask me about picking up seats. Kalau aku kata ok baru kita orang confirm, kalau aku kata taknak means it's a no! Hehe! Thanks honey! Sayang kau lebih la yang! xD yeah, it happens 'cause we are like twins. We share 99.9% of same interests. Even every single person around us tells us the same thing! hee. Ok enough of that. We went to watch this.

Damit! Saja je letak poster Duke punya! Hahahaha. (elele ada orang cover sengih) Geesh! Suddenly i feel like i just love Channing Tatum. Yeah yeah yeah, i know it's lame with Step Up, She's The Man & Fighting, but i do think that he was really sweet in the movie. Bayangkanlah, just Baroness (his ex-gf which also his enemy) yg iye2 blasah dia but he never fought back. Dem. Kalau aku dah lama hilang sabar! Haha. Rileks2 emosional pulak. Kalah bini CT dan bini dia yg mungkin sedang membaca entri ni! haha! Sienna Miller memang best. tu yg pi buh gambar dia tu! xD dah lah gorgeous, stunning, model lagi, she was even fighting with 6 inches high heels u know! Dulu aku kurang minat dia la, tau pun tau muka ngan nama je but now i totally like her. For this movie, i give 5 stars. Ending macam tergantung that's why i bet there must be a sequel next. Emm, what would the title be uh? The Rise of Kuda? gahaha xD
ohh yeah, there was Brendan Fraser and Jonathan Pryce too which i did not notice in the list of casting. Ramai gila tengok cerita tu. Oh mummy, i forgot to wear the mask. Sorry! Killer dah ready pakai awal2, masa beli popcorn lagi. hahaha. Memang kat campus dia pun dah mula pakai dah. Aku pun nak pakai juga pasni memandangkan keadaan yg semakin meruncing sekarang. After watching the movie, we went together like always to find a cab. Hihi! Yang tak bestnya cab ada, pemandunya pula tiada. Ada dua cab tapi dua2 takde supir. Ciscake gilerr. I was really exhausted to be true but mana lah pakcik teksi yang hilang entah ke mana tu tau kan. Mula2, kita orang je kat situ. Tetiba datang lagi 2 orang. Sorang laki sorang perempuan, dua2 bertubuh normal. Lebih kurang beberapa minit kemudian, datang dua orang lagi, sorang lelaki ala2 Sean Kingston, sorang perempuan bertudung tak cukup tutup. Bila dorang dah jauh skit aku pun nyanyi.
"Say all, sean kingston!"
killer menyambung..."you're way too beautiful girl, that's why it will never work..."
Setelah terbahak2 ketawa tak lama kemudian datang
Cerita tak habis lagi la. Haha. Masa dalam cab tu aku mencipta satu drama. Aku ikut slang India tu. Killer actually knew what i was all about. So she just followed up to all my actions. Haha. Come on la dey, i was only wanted to tease him. Lalu bermulalah satu episod drama keling.
Aku: (bukakan pintu untuk Killer dalam slang india) ladies first, ladies first.
Killer: oh so you are not a lady la?
Aku: yes yes.
Taxi driver: oh so you are not lady? then who are you?
Me: i am a man. i am a man on the outside. Lady on the inside. *ada orang tahan gelak*
Taxi driver: *tersengih je sepanjang masa* oh a man..
Aku: yes, i am not a lady. i'm ladybug. i'm not ladylike.
Killer: *giggling as hard as she can tried to cover her laugh. haha*
Taxi driver: oh ok2. so you are a tomboy huh?
Aku: no noo. i am not a tomboy.
Taxi driver: then you said you're a man? so you must be a tomboy.
Aku: no no. tomboy has a short hair. i have a long hair.
Taxi driver: *giggling* who are you? you can speak indian slang uh. but you're not indian.
Aku: yes yes. i can speak indian slang. come on la, both my sisters also can speak indian slang, how come i cannot? aiyoo.
Killer: *dah start nak gelak menggila*
Taxi driver: but you are not indian. how come?
Aku: oh, i'm from Indiana, USA.
Taxi driver: *laughing* oh ok2, i see.
Bila naik cab pakcik Melayu, keluar lagu radio Era. Bila naik cab apek cina, keluar lagu radio MY.fm. Bila naik cab India, keluar lagu hindustan.
Aku: *talking to Killer* ey, there's music. dance la. u don't wanna dance kaa?
Killer: no no. *shook her head*
Aku: alaa, dance laa. *again she shook her head*
Aku cuba bermacam2 benda dalam cab India tu. Tarik tisu, tekan pintu, ketuk pintu, goncang popcorn yg belum habis, goncang ais dalam tinggal dalam coke, last sekali sendawa kuat yang direka. Part goncang2 ngan sendawa tu Killer dah tak tahan nak gelak. India tu lak layan je. Nasib ah. Haha.
Taxi driver: ok, where are we going after this?
Aku: where uh? *looking at Killer* go to GL.
Taxi driver: left or right?
Aku: left left.
Taxi driver: left left then left or what?
Aku: no no. just go this left. *while pointing to the road* then go straaaight to heaven.
Killer: *finally bursting out her laugh* weh, kalau macam tu kita mati la.
Aku: hahahaha.
Taxi driver: *giggling hardly*
Aku: ok. just go straight, n straight n straight n woooppp, this house this house, this this thissss! ok this house.
The cab stopped right in front of my house and Killer paid for the fee.
Killer: sapa tu? *pointing outside*
Aku: oh that is my brother in-law.
Killer: oh your brother in-law..
Aku: *to the taxi driver* ok, alright. thanks. don't come again.
Killer: *laughing*
Taxi driver: *sengih je la dia mampu! haha*
Aku: okay, don't come again haa.
So that was it. After closing the door, Killer just couldn't stop giggling and laughing all the way. Slang India aku pun berakhir. Haha. Lepas pulangkan semua cd dia yang aku pinjam, plus pinjamkan dia dvd Final Destination 3, mama dia datang jemput dia. We really had fun today. I really had fun. Thanks for the popcorn and drinks honey! Thanks for paying the cab fee! Thanks for everything! I love you so soo much! :)
Ok, that's all for today. See you around.
1 comment:
hamboihhh2! love yerr??? love lalink i yer??? hahahahaha gigit pusat u kang taulahhh!!! hahahahahahahahahahahaha =p
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