You know what you want, but how long can you wait?
Every moment last forever
When you feel you've lost your way
What if my chances were already gone?
I started believing that I could be wrong
But you give me one good reason
To fight and never walk away
Here I am, still holding on
With every step, you climb another mountain
Every breath, it's harder to believe
You'll make it through the pain, weather the hurricanes
To get to that one thing
Just when you think the road is going nowhere
Just when you almost gave up on your dreams
They take you by the hand and show you that you can
There are no boundaries
I fought to the limit, to stand on the edge
What if today is as good as it gets?
Don't know where the future's heading
But nothing's gonna bring me down
I've jumped every bridge and I've run every line
I risked being safe but I always knew why
I always knew why
So here I am, still holding on
With every step, you climb another mountain
Every breath, it's harder to believe
You'll make it through the pain, weather the hurricanes
To get to that one thing
Just when you think the road is going nowhere
Just when you almost gave up on your dreams
They take you by the hand and show you that you can
You can go higher, you can go deeper
There are no boundaries above and beneath you
Break every rule 'cause there's nothing between you
And your dreams
With every step, you climb another mountain
Every breath, it's harder to believe
Yeah, there are no boundaries
There are no boundaries
With every step, you climb another mountain
Every breath, it's harder to believe
You'll make it through the pain, weather the hurricanes
There are no boundaries (x3)
Lyric dia sedap an! Memberi semangat untuk meneruskan hidup walau apa pun dugaan yg melanda! Ala2 The Climb! Hihi! Pada pendapat aku personally, dia menyanyikan lagu ni lebih feeling dan sedap daripada Adam. Hihi! I'm sure semua penduduk Amerika yg mengundi dia berfikiran yg sama! Dia nyanyi single dia ni di pusingan ketiga selepas Adam menyanyikan lagu yg sama. Lagu di pusingan pertama ialah Ain't No Sunshine manakala pusingan kedua ialah What's Going On. Adam menyanyikan Mad World & A Change Is Gonna Come. Adam pulak sentiasa menyelitkan unsur2 rockstar beliau dlm setiap lagu! Tu pasal tak berapa feel kot bila dengar! Huhu! Kris macam nak pengsan aku tengok ketika Ryan umumkan! Ahaha. Lepas tu speech tak menahan gak, *I'm sorry. I don't know what to feel, this is crazy!* Hahaha! Tengok tuh, sampai tak percaya dia menang. Tapi masa dia nyanyi No Boundaries dia terkucil sikit di pertengahan lagu masa chorus sebab nada terlalu tinggi! Tapi takpe, janji memikat kalbu! Ahaha! Oh2, lagu kedua yg aku suka dia nyanyikan ialah Heartless time AI minggu lepas! Sangat3 mencairkan! Dengar dia nyanyi jangan tutup mata, kena tengok puas2! Haha! Bak kata Ara, tengok Anoop nyanyi je kena tutup mata baru boleh menghayati! Wakaka! Tak pasal2 Anoop jadi mangsa woh! Hahaha! Ya Allah, aku cakap yg indah2 tentang Kris ni sampai tertinggal suami gay gwe! Wakakaka! Takpe2! AL juga tetap di hati gwe sampai kapan pun! =) *pstt, saya dah ada full song No Boundaries! Anda bila lagi? Hihi! =p*
Btw, ni antara gambar2 Kris yg aku suka dari audition! Tersentak + jealous jap yg gambar 3 terakhir tu! Haha! =p

Haha! Omg, im currently addicted to No Boundaries!!! Siang malam pagi petang subuh senja dok putar lagu tu je! Hahaha! Oh untuk menunjukkan bahawa aku TIDAK MELUPAKAN lalink Adam! Here are his photos! =p

Gambar ketiga & keempat yg paling tak menahan! Innocent sungguh yg ketiga tuh langsung tak mencerminkan KE'GAY'AN beliau. Ahahaha. Yg keempat tuh aku suka tengok AL dari side view! Cakep sgt2! Agak jealous la jugakkk! Huwaaaaaaa! Rapat sungguh dia dengan perempuan itu snap pic! Tapi aku harus bersabar & keep bersabar... Sesungguhnya AL pasti bangga mempunyai isteri tak sah dia ni yg sentiasa menyokong dan memahami kerjayanya! Hahahahaha terperasan pulak wok... =p
1 comment:
i pun dh ada lgu no boundaries tu!
dgr berkali2 gak!
tgh nak menghafal!
ia memberi semangat!
eisss untung2 bini KA tuh!
drop dead jealous!
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